aka – Six Pack abs and the 80-20 rule
The COLD Six Pack
Everyone wants a six pack. Most 40-ish guys just want it to be cold and in a convenient carrying case. The ones who want it to be ON their belly instead of IN their belly have a little more work to do than just swinging by the corner store on the way home.
This is the beginning of my quest for the mythical six pack abs.
That Guy has them most of the time and can dial them in if needed for beach trips or a weekend on the lake or at the neighborhood pool/cookout.
The HOT Six Pack
Most of you have heard the phrase “washboard abs” and I’m not quite 40-ish-plus enough to have used or seen a washboard in action, but I can tell you everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, appreciates a hot 6 pack – whether it is on a man or woman. Sexy. Hot.
Also, EVERYONE wants them.
What EVERYONE isn’t willing to do is put in the work and control themselves enough to achieve that elusive display of abs. What would you guess if I told you the following:
- I am 40-ish
- Male
- I lift pretty intensely 5x week at 5am for 60-75 minutes 50 weeks a year
- I run a couple days per week for 2 miles
- I run 7 miles on Saturday
- I do 150 pushups and 150 situps (5×30) each weekday at 4am BEFORE I go to the gym
- I purposely climb stairs at work –usually 20 plus flights per day
- I generally walk 2 miles each day at lunch while checking email, etc
Aside from guessing I’m crazy, would you guess that I have a six pack?
Well, however you guessed, I don’t. I have a one pack – I would give you a visual, but it is early and it might make you nauseous. Plus you can probably imagine yourself or look at the ONE/SIX pack on the guy in the first image above – not me, but you get the idea.
That Guy does have the mythical abs and he pretty much follows 1-5 above except he runs during the week several days for 3+ miles at lunch and does similar things to the rest of my list.
So what is the difference? Why can two almost identical workout plans result in such different results?
As with most other things in life, I try to over complicate things when the answer is simple. And that is where the 80-20 rule, or Pareto Principle, kicks into gear.
The 80-20 rule for six pack abs
It’s a lot simpler than it sounds. If you aren’t familiar with the 80-20 rule take a quick look here – The Pareto principle (also known as the 80–20 rule, the law of the vital few, and the principle of factor sparsity)
It really is quite simple – 80% of the desired result, the six pack, comes from 20% of the actual work.
What? I thought you said you did the same basic workout? We do and that is the answer as well. I have it all backwards – I do the 80% for the 20% of the desired result – I have muscles and I am in relatively decent shape, but my focus is off.
The secret to 6 pack abs at 40-ish.
“That Guy” actually does the 20% of the work that gives the overwhelming amount of results.
Want to know his secret? SHHHHHH!
He eats properly.
BABAMMM!!! There! Now you know the secret. I know the secret! Now we can all have 6 packs! WooHoo!
It isn’t hard to eat right. Once.
It isn’t really that hard to eat right for maybe for a day. Or two.
But 6 days a week with one cheat meal on the 7th day or with no cheats… It should be no different. Easy. Repeating what was simple one time… That’s the same simple thing – on paper – in reality it is a different story.
On paper, it is really simple and easy…
Eat this, not that.
Plan ahead and it is black and white.
The motivation and results are compelling – just a small 20% effort on eating right and I will have a six pack – I’m already doing what most people consider the hard part – the workouts.
80% of the result I want from a measly 20% of the work and what sounds easier – that daily grind above or eating what I know I should eat?
What is holding me back? How does a simple, easy plan go so wrong time and time again?
Once again, easy answer – me. My mental status, thoughts, motivations and willpower. Me.
Using the 80-20 to my advantage
I am going to get a six pack and now we know the only way to do that is to fix my diet – yours too if you want to play along. I want fast results with minimal effort so I am going only for the 20%. Fast is relative here – I didn’t add this weight in 10 days and I am surely not able to take it off in 10 days. Be realistic and honest.
How can I use the 80-20 to my advantage? By super-simplifying my diet for 30 days – one day at a time. Then another 30 days, and another until I get to my goal – my guess is I will hit it around 90-120 days.
Rather than coming up with a complicated plan with lots of meals, ingredients, recipes and shopping lists, I am going simple, strategic, and fast! My abs won’t know what hit them.
Since I usually hold myself more accountable when I have goals and timelines I am going to make some simple ones. I am also going to share them daily – I’ll come up with a tag or main page so you can follow along in order and I’ll post my progress.
Note – I am NOT a personal trainer. I am NOT a dietitian. I am NOT a doctor. I am NOT saying this will work for you – or even me for that matter – I just know it is what differentiates me and That Guy. Should work, but consult your own doctor, trainer, therapist, or mommy.
If you have simple suggestions, simple meals, simple workouts, your own success or struggles, or simply encouragement to share, please comment below. I’d love to hear them and share motivations!
[…] Candor/Honesty is the first virtue in the book and most people aren’t very honest with themselves or they would see that they fall in the 80%. Stands to reason though if you remember the 80/20 rule. […]