Today is St. Patrick’s Day. Green, Shamrocks, Parades, Parties, Leprechauns, Celebrations, and Green Beer!
Kiss me, I’m Irish!
That has become the phrase of the day! And St. Patrick’s day has become an international day of celebration of…
Well, I have no idea other than it is a really good excuse to get a bunch of people to party and drink green beer.
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t really need an excuse to drink beer, but I always find it fascinating how people rally around a good beer drinking event.
- Super Bowl
- St. Patrick’s Day
- 4th of July
- Summer weekends at the lake
- Anytime at the beach
- And my personal favorite – New Year’s Eve
Kiss off, I’m Ironish!
What got me thinking about this is several friends wanted [Read more…]